The Complete Guide To Running A Sales Call
In this guide, I’m going to teach you everything you need to know to successfully run a sales call — for any product or service — and close prospects at a higher rate than ever before.
If want to:
- Identify the common mistakes that are losing you sales
- Master the fundamentals of 1-to-1 selling
- Learn a proven framework for making sales calls your new favorite tool
Then you will absolutely love this guide.
If you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur, or new sales professional, your success depends on your ability to understand, implement, and master the advice in this guide.
No pressure.
What You’ll Find In This Guide
Click below to skip straight to the desired section:
Why You Can’t Afford To Suck At Sales Calls
The Three Cardinal Sins Of Live Selling
How To Close 70% Of Sales Calls In 7 Proven Steps
1: Create Your Plan And Your Sales Script
2: Own The Beginning Of Your Sales Call
3: Ask The Big Question Then Listen
4: Ask Great Follow-Up Questions
5: Match Your Solution To The Prospect’s Problem
6: Build Credibility Via Case Studies Or Consulting
7: Close Like A Boss With One of Two Strategies
How To Get Freelance Clients
Or simply continue reading below…
Are you mastering sales calls in order to make more money as a freelance writer? If so, click here to grab my free copywriting crash course, and learn how I went from $15 per article to $15,000 per month.
Why You Can’t Afford To Suck At Sales Calls
A sales call just means a 1-to-1 conversation initiated around a potential purchase.
These will happen via zoom or phone 9 times out of 10, and that’s what we’ll be focusing on in this guide, but the process is essentially the same for in-person sales discussions as well.
If you’re a young whippersnapper, you might think you’ll be able to get out of live discussions of this nature, and maybe in 30 years, that will be true.
For now, here’s what you need to know about sales.
Very few purchases over $5,000 are made without a live discussion.
And for anything past $500, having a live discussion is going to give you a notable edge over trying to sell “asynchronistically” via email or landing pages or stuff like that.
In other words, if you want to sell a higher ticket service or product, you need to learn how to sell via a live sales call.
Why is this the case?
Why do nearly all big sales happen via a sales call?
- A live discussion allows the buyer to “feel out” the seller’s confidence, likeability, and trustworthiness.
- A live discussion allows the seller to efficiently aquire the information they need from the buyer in order to close the sale.
On the buyer’s end, people have an irrational trust in their own intuition.
People rarely make purchasing descisions based on analytics. They make decisions based on emotion, and whether consciously or subconciously, they feel like if they can speak with you face to face, they will have a good sense of whether or not you’re “legit”.
When you follow the steps we’ll teach you in this guide, then with a little practice, you’ll be able to consistently use this to your advantage. Hopefully, you use this advantage to sell great services and great products.
On your end as the seller, a sales call is a really efficient AND effective way to get the exact info you need in order to close the sell.
If I want to sell something to you, I need to understand a few things:
- What do you want?
- What do you believe is preventing you from getting what you want?
- What have you tried already that hasn’t gotten you what you want?
- What do you believe will get you what you want?
- What specific details do I need in order to say, “Here’s how I’ll get you what you want.”?
Here’s another way to put this:
- What’s the core objective?
- What do you believe is the weak point in your currnet strategy that requires outside help?
- What strategies have you implemented already to solve that weak point?
- What is the current strategy you are interested in me being involved in?
- What are the project details and scope?
It would be a complete pain in the ass to aquire this type of information via email.
A sales call makes getting this key information simple, and when you have this information, it’s really easy to sell.
As we’ll show you in this guide, you can basically just take this information and give it straight back to the prospect. It’s as if they are selling to themselves.
Unfortunately, most freelancers, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals don’t let people sell to themselves, because they are too busy making one of the following three mistakes.
The 3 Cardinal Sins Of Bad Sales Calls
Most people hate selling because they don’t understand how to do it correctly.
Here are the three most common mistakes that people make when trying to sell via a live call.
1. Starting the call without a clear plan.
What’s the purpose of your call?
What information do you need to get from the prospect?
What questions do you need to ask?
What talking points do you want to make?
What context will set you up well to make those points?
Should you take the lead on the call or let the prospect take the lead?
If you don’t have a plan going into the call, you’re going to have a bad time.
More specificially, you aren’t going to be confident, and if you don’t believe in yourself and your ability to solve the prospect’s problem, they aren’t going to believe in you either.
We’ll show you how to create a clear plan for your sales call later in this guide.
2. Talking instead of listening.
For people who DO have a plan going into a call, it’s usually the wrong plan.
They have a little “pitch” that they are looking to make, and their idea of a sales call is to make some small talk until they reach the point that it feels slightly less awkward to start forcing their way through a predetermined list of talking points.
In many ways, this is even worse than not having a plan at all. At least there is some level of authenticity to flopping around like a fish out of water.
The key to a great sales call is asking the right questions and listening.
The more you listen, the better you sell.
And when you don’t listen, you inevitably end up committing the third sin.
3. “Selling” instead of problem solving.
The key to selling is connecting your solution to the prospect’s problem or goal.
In a 1-to-1 sales conversation, you have the benefit of asking your prospect directly about their unique challenges and goals.
Once they’ve described their situation, you can become a problem solver instead of a salesperson, and everybody on the planet wants to have their problems solved.
But most people don’t realize this.
They just try to sell.
They attempt to force the prospect to fit their pitch rather than customizing their pitch to the unique information provided by the prospect.
The most tragic part of this sin is that it’s entirely unecessary. It’s a lot easier to sell the right way than it is to try and force your sales pitch onto a lead.
When you sell the right way, the prospect does most of the work for you.
And with that said, it’s time to break down the “right way” to run a sales call.
How To Close 70% Of Sales Calls In 7 Proven Steps
The human decision-making process is predictable and well understood by psychologists. There is a natural path the mind travels on its way to reaching an affirmative buying decision.
Our goal on a sales call is to take our prospect’s hand and walk them down that path.
Most of my readers are freelance writers, so I’m going to use the process of selling copywriting services as my example throughout this guide, but understand that this is a universal process. Whether you are selling other services or even higher priced products, this exact same process will work for you.
For writing services, provided you’ve done a little prequalifying prior to getting the prospect on the phone, you should expect to be closing around 70% of calls.
That may sound high, but most business owners won’t waste their time getting on a live call with a service provider unless they are ready to hire.
If you have them on the call, you should be closing them nearly 3 out of 4 times.
Here’s how you do that.
Step 1. Create Your Plan And Your Sales Script
Based on the three sins we just covered, you might think that being a great salesperson is about “winging it” and vibing with the prospect.
That’s actually not the case… at all.
It cannot be over-emphasized; the professional salesperson always works off a script.
There are three fundamental reasons for this.
First, a sales script keeps you consistent from call to call, regardless of how you feel going into the call.
This is important, because your energy, mood and disposition vary day-by-day, and you won’t always feel at your best when heading into a sales call.
Most people who like the idea of “winging it” tend to be charismatic by nature, and their performance heavily depends on their level of energy, whether they realize it or not. When the energy is high, this isn’t a problem. When the energy is low, it’s catastrophic.
Having a script gives you the ability to consistently get results regardless of your personality or energy level.
Second, a sales script gives you a clear plan going into the call and an anchor point for you to refer to if you lose your way during the call.
Both of these benefits are huge confidence boosters when your experience is limited, but they also allow you to improvise more as your confidence grows. This is especially important when you understand reason three.
Third, a sales script helps you systematically improve your sales performance over time.
The rest of this guide will help you develop your starting sales script, but the script you take into your first call is just a starting point. As you interact with real clients, you will learn what works for you and what doesn’t work for you, and if you are smart, you’ll use that feedback to evolve your script over time.
You are going to improve automatically just by virtue of repetition, but the best salespeople approach their work like a scientist. They measure everything, and as a result, they can systematically make adjustments to their script and evaluate how those changes impact performance.
Keep that in mind as you go through the rest of this guide.
Step 2. OWN The Beginning Of The Sales Call
As people, we make judgments about others within just a few seconds of meeting them, and those impressions are often cemented in our minds permanently. It’s a carryover from our monkey-brains evolving to help us survive by making instant decisions about what’s dangerous.
We all know what it feels like when this works against us, but with some practice, we can consistently make first impressions work for us instead.
Jordan Belfort, the real “Wolf of Wall Street,” says you have to show your prospect you are three things immediately:
1. Sharp.
2. Enthusiastic.
3. Someone who gets to the point.
First off, smile, whether they can see you smiling or not. We know from FMRI studies that people can hear a smile on the phone. When you smile, you show your enthusiasm, and you lift the mood of the conversation. People want to be around smiling people.
Next, pick up the tone and pace of your voice. Try to bring a Tigger energy instead of an Eeyore energy into the start of the call. You DON’T need to maintain this energy through the full call! Simply owning the opening of the call is enough.
Finally, use a greeting that goes something like, “Hey, Ron! Great to meet you! So, you’re the guy looking for a copywriter!?”
When you use this greeting, you are friendly, but you also state why you’re there right off the bat. You are very subtly taking ownership of the call from the opening line.
From here, it’s time for just a bit of small talk.
Often, you’ll know something about your prospect that you can ask an open-ended question about. For example, let’s say you know they are in a jazz band. You could say, “Hey, real quick, Emily told me you’re in a jazz band! How did you get started playing jazz?”
When you ask open-ended, personal questions and genuinely listen to the answer, you naturally build trust.
That is the power of disclosure. Counterintuitively, trust is not built from us disclosing reasons we are trustworthy to them. Instead, it’s built from them disclosing little tidbits of information to us.
So, this is not your time to talk.
Use this part of your process to listen, so you earn the right to talk about your service later in the process.
As part of your script and plan for the call, have an idea of how much time you want to allot for this beginning portion of the call.
If you are scheduled for a full hour and the prospect seems to enjoy answering your personal question, let me them go for a few minutes and maybe even ask a follow up question or two. You can probably afford a good 15-20 minutes on this if they want to go that long.
If you only have 30 minutes, look to transition to the step below (the most important step of the entire call) within 5-10 minutes.
Step 3. Ask The “Big Question” Then LISTEN
After the initial small talk period, it’s time to open the “real” discussion with a bang.
There’s one “Big Question” you should ask on every single sales call. If you forget everything else on your script but remember to ask this question (and then shut up), you’ll close a ton of sales.
This Big Question does the following:
- Builds rapport with the prospect
- Tells you 99% of the information you need to sell your prospect
- Separates you from every other writer they speak to
What’s crazy is that it’s a really straightforward question.
Just as you are wrapping up the small talk step, you’re going to say…
“Okay, Amanda. [Deep breath and thoughtful look to build suspense.] Why don’t you tell me a little bit about why you are looking to hire a writer right now?”
Then shut your pie-hole and look very attentive.
This is where the prospect is going to tell you exactly how to sell to them. They are going to tell you:
- the challenges they are facing
- the benefits they are wanting
- the objective they are aiming for
- their strategy for hitting that objective and where they see you fitting in
At least, this is the type of information we want them to tell us about.
We would love a long, in depth answer that takes 5-10 minutes (or even longer) to give, so resist the urge to interrupt with any comments or other questions. Let your prospect go without hindrance until they fall silent on their own.
Then, when they stop talking, wait a full two seconds while looking like you are ready for them to say more.
Do this because polite people will often pause to give you a chance to participate in the conversation as well. This isn’t your time to talk, so this pause will reveal that you are there to listen.
You will be astonished how many people will resume talking when they see you are willing to let them continue.
This is a massively powerful tool of persuasion. There’s a chance no one in the prospect’s life has ever listened to them like you are right now. You don’t come across like you are looking to sell to them. You come across like you are looking to understand THEIR challenges and THEIR goals.
This builds heaps of trust, rapport and likeability that makes every part of the process that follows easier.
This Big Question reveals precisely what the prospect needs to hear to sell them so that you can repeat it back to them later. When people feel their needs have been heard, they automatically believe the solutions you offer are tailored to them.
As freelance copywriter Kayla Hollatz explains:
“It usually delights people while making them dive a little deeper into the ‘why’ behind their goals. I’ve had a few client leads tell me they wanted to work with me based on this question alone, so it’s a must for me.”
Would you trust your doctor’s diagnosis if they didn’t listen to all of your symptoms? Of course not. But when you explain everything going on with you, and the doctor listens intently and then diagnoses with certainty, you believe the diagnosis and also the remedy!
If the client doesn’t volunteer all the information we are looking for (a fairly common scenario), that’s where the strategic follow up questions outlined below come into play.
Step 4. Ask Great Follow-up Questions
We discussed this at the beginning of the guide, but I want to remind you about it again here.
One of the two primary purposes of getting someone on a call is to gather the key information you need to sell them your services.
We covered some of those key pieces of info you are looking for in the previous section:
- the challenges they are facing
- the benefits they are wanting
- the objective they are aiming for
- their strategy for hitting that objective and where they see you fitting in
That’s what’s going to help you sell to them, but you’ll also need some more granular details in order to provide them with a firm quote for hiring you.
If you are a freelance writer, some of those details might include:
- number of posts or pages
- desired word count per page
- desired turnaround time
We are hoping to get that first batch of questions answered as part of our Big Question, but sometimes, clients can be a bit less talkative, and we’ll need to coax some or all of that information out of them.
The key to getting this information is to ask open-ended questions.
An open-ended question can’t be answered with a single word like yes, no or fine. Instead, these questions require people to elaborate, and they encourage the speaker to relax and open up a bit.
As freelance copywriter Wendy Jacobson explains:
“Ask open-ended questions, listen and take notes, then repeat back to them what they are looking for before diving into any info about you. Even if they start hammering questions about you and your services at the get-go, don’t answer them. Take control of the convo and ask them the questions. Get them to talk. The more they talk, the more info you have to help them with their needs.”
These types of questions usually start with phrases like, “What’s it like to…” “Tell me about…” “What do want…”
For example:
“What’s it been like working with freelance writers in the past?”
“Tell me what you don’t like about your current copywriting.”
“What do you want to achieve by bringing in a new writer?”
Once you have the information you need here, it’s time to begin asking the more detail-oriented questions you need in order to provide a quote.
In some cases, you might need more details to identify exactly what types of services or packages you will offer the prospect in the first place.
These questions won’t be open-ended like before:
“Would you like to include blog posts and if so how many per month?”
“Do you also want me to write your about page?”
“When do you need this project to be completed?”
It’s important that you go into a call knowing exactly what information you need and that you have mechanisms in place to make sure you get it all over the course of the call.
This is why having a sales script AND being an attentive listener are so important on a sales call. A script you can glance at occasionally will help remind you of any details you still need or questions you’ve missed.
At the same time, there’s no easier way to blow a call then to ask the prospect a scripted question on something they already answered during the open-ended discussion. This is easily avoided if you are genuinely listening to the prospect.
Once you have the information you need, you are ready to be the hero.
Step 5. Match Your Solution To The Prospect’s Problem
This is the part where you pitch your service or product to the client.
For most freelancers, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals, this part goes really poorly.
Because they skip straight to this part after they’ve finished their small talk.
In their mind, THIS is the sales call. They have their litte one-way spiel planned out, outlining all the benefits of their solution, and they are here to work their way through that spiel as quickly as possible.
When you pitch this way, you are essentially delivering a copy/paste presentation.
The words you are telling the prospect are the exact same words that you deliver to EVERY prospect, and it shows. It’s really obvious to people that you are simply trying to sell them on your offer, regardless of their unique needs and goals.
That’s why we don’t pitch this way, and that’s why we don’t skip straight to this section after the small talk.
If you followed our advice and asked the right questions, then you are entering this stage knowing the prospects EXACT situation.
They have told you in THEIR OWN WORDS what challenges they are facing, what goals they are targeting, and how they are hoping you will help them meet those goals.
All you have to do is repeat back to them what they’ve already told you.
Just repeat it back to them word-for-word and include how your service will fit into the scenario they’ve laid out for you.
When you repeat back to people what they’ve just told you, they don’t interpret it as you being facetious or clever. They feel like you’ve been listening to them. They feel heard.
This is where you become the hero.
You are no longer selling at this point. You are solving their problems.
For example:
Client: “Our business has pivoted since we created our website, and the old copy doesn’t really reflect our business anymore.”
You: “So what we’re going to do is dig into feedback from your best current customers and use that feedback to create new messaging that reflects your current business and what customers love about how you’ve pivoted.”
Or in another scenario:
Client: “We aren’t getting any leads through our website.”
You: “We’re going to create new copy that focuses specifically on bringing in leads through the website.”
Or alternatively:
Client: “We really need a great welcome sequence, and the writers we’ve worked with before haven’t seemed to understand our product offer.”
You: “We’re going to put together a really great welcome sequence that clearly communicates your offer and helps users have that “aha” moment while using your product. I really love this space and have worked with several companies in [niche] before, so understanding the more sutble elements of your offer and audience won’t be a problem for me.”
This is probably going to go longer than a few lines, but it doesn’t have to be much more complex than this.
If you are a writer, your service offer is likely very simple to explain.
If you are another type of service provider, same deal. Most great services are fairly easy to explain.
So all you have to do is say, “Hey, you know this thing you just told me you need — here’s how my service gives you exactly that.”
If you are selling a product, there might be a few extra steps, but the core lesson here remains relevant. Build your presentation around what the prospect has already told you on the call.
There’s a lot of extra advice that can be incorporated here, some of which you’ve probably heard before:
- Focus on benefits rather than features.
- Anticipate objections and address them before they are brought up.
- Ask the prospect short questions that get them to nod or say yes.
Stuff like this can add some value to your pitch, but they aren’t necessary to close most calls.
What really matters is that you listen to your prospect and then explain how your service fits into everything they’ve just told you and is going to help them reach the objectives they’ve just laid out.
If you do this well, you’ll be closing a solid 30-40% of your sales calls.
The next step is how you go from a 30-40% close rate to a 70-80% close rate.
What If Your Service Is NOT A Great Fit For Their Needs?
When you first become a service provider, everyone seems like a good fit. You are a generalist, and you only have a weak understanding of your industry, clients, and even your own services.
Over time, however, you will begin to gain a deeper understanding of your industry, and you will begin to specialize in your services. As a result, you will find yourself on calls where the prospect isn’t actually a good fit for your services.
What do you then?
The temptation, especially early on, will be to try and bend your pitch to seem like it’s a great fit.
This rarely goes well:
- Your pitch will likely feel forced and be unconvincing, which makes you look bad overall.
- If the client hires you anyway, you risk placing yourself in a frustrating position with little upside.
- You risk delivering suboptimal work and results for the client.
- You are wasting time on a poor-fit client that would be better invested in a client who is a great fit.
None of these things are great for building your brand in the long run.
Instead, I recommend simply telling the prospect that given what they’ve shared, you aren’t actually a great fit for their needs.
This is going to provide the following benefits:
- It’s going to build trust, which can lead to referrals or work with the client down the road.
- It’s going to keep your schedule free for clients who are a good fit.
- Nothing makes someone want to work with you more than refusing to work with them.
By turning down bad fits, you are turning what could only result in a poor outcome into something that has the potential to result in great outcomes down the road.
Step 6. Build Credibility Via Case Study Or Consultation
If I’m looking to hire a service and I’m on a call with you, whether I realize it or not, I’m trying to answer two questions.
- Is your service a good fit for my specific needs?
- Are YOU specifically the right choice to execute that service and get the results I want?
Every prospect you’ll ever hop on a call with will be trying to answer some version of these two questions as well.
Up to this point in your call, you’ve covered everything needed to answer Question #1 effectively.
You’ve asked questions that encouraged your prospect to explain their specific situation in detail, and then you’ve explained to them how your service will solve their unique needs.
Now, the only question remaining is whether YOU are someone they can trust to execute the plan and get them the results they need.
How can you convince them that YOU are the right choice?
There are a few factors that can move the needle in your favor:
- Are you confident?
- Are you likable?
- Have you been clear and specific with your solution?
- Can you show successful results from similar projects?
- Have you even just worked on similar projects or with similar businesses?
- Can you provide insights on the call that demonstrate your value?
I’ve ranked these in the order that I feel is most impactful over a large number of calls, but keep in mind that each prospect will value these differently.
For example, some prospects will respond to confidence and likability without really needing to see anything else, while others will only care about data and couldn’t care less about your vibe.
Most prospects fall somewhere in the middle.
I’m going to categorize these factors into three different buckets for the purpose of our discussion:
- Presence and delivery
- Relevant experience
- Live consultation
The sense of presence that you bring to the call has a huge impact on ever aspect of the call. That’s why I consider it to be the most important.
Are you confident? Do you build rapport with your energy, conversation, and recall? Are you really clear and comfortable in your delivery?
These things are very hard to fake.
That’s why we haven’t really focused on them in this guide.
If you are a naturally confident person, this will come easy. If you aren’t a naturally confident person, you will have to build what I call “situational confidence” around selling your services.
We all have that one friend who is normally a wallflower but morphs into an extrovert when a topic they are passionate about comes up. They feel unusually confident within the context of that conversation, because they understand it very well and have invested a lot of time into activities and study surrounding that topic.
That’s situational confidence, and you can develop on your sales calls by — it’s really simple — doing a LOT of sales calls.
With enough calls, you will become confident and comfortable.
That doesn’t help you a whole lot RIGHT NOW, but hopefully it encourages you if you aren’t particularly confident on your calls at the moment. It is 100% inevitable that your confidence will grow with time and repetition.
In addition to having confidence, leveraging every bit of relevant experience will help you close more sales.
Did you work on a similar business? Talk about it.
Have you worked in this niche? Emphasize it.
Are you a consumer in this product class? Rave about it.
Do you have a 2nd cousin employed in this industry? You LOVE that cousin.
Being able to show real case studies with similar businesses makes the sale almost guaranteed. And on that note, if you case studies you can show of any sort right now, the easiest way to land more business is to go find looklike prospects and get them on a call.
In most cases, you won’t have this level of proof to highlight, but you CAN find smaller things to emphasize in connecting your experience to the prospect’s brand.
Take full advantage of that in any way you can.
Finally, use the sales call as an opportunity to consult with the client and demonstrate your expertise.
Does the prospect think they need something expensive that they don’t actually need to achieve their goals?
Tell them.
You are basically saying, “Hey guess what, you don’t actually need to pay me that much money to get what you are looking for.”
Now you are both likable AND being viewed as an expert.
Or if they have a plan that IS exactly what they need to succeed, take the opportunity to say, “You’ve clearly done your research, because this is exactly the right plan to get [results they said they wanted]. Usually when I’m on these calls, clients are asking for [alternative plan], and I have to explain why [prospect’s plan] is the better option.”
Now you are both likable AND being viewed as an expert AND the prospect has been given a little ego boost.
This is a really great way to separate your way from the competition and from previous service providers the client has spoken to. Give away as much value and insight as you can on the call, and you have a much stronger chance of closing the sale.
And speaking of closing, let’s talk about how to close strong.
Step 7. Close Like A Boss With One Of Two Strategies
There are two ways to close, but they all have one thing in common.
Assume the close.
This factors into the confidence we talked about earlier, but you also should be avoiding any language that creates uncertainty about whether or not you will be working together.
Act like you WILL be working with this prospect.
Personally, I like to use the word “we” a lot on calls. When I’m talking to the client about how I’m going to solve their problem, I’m actually talking about what “we” are going to do, how “we” are going to tackle their various challenges, and how “we” are going to get the results they want.
I take this assumption even further with the way I prefer to close calls.
Close Strategy #A: Proceed With The Next Steps
When I get to the end of a call, I assume the prospect wants to work with me, and I ask them my pre-close question:
“Have I given you all the information you need, or do you have any questions at all about me, my copywriting, or the process with which I deliver it?”
If they say that they have what they need and that everything is clear, then I assume they want to work with me and simply begin outlining the next steps.
“Okay so once we got off the call, I’m going to sum up all the key points from our discussion in an email and send over the full list of deliverables for this project. I’ll also include my in-depth questionnaire and an invoice for the first half of the project, and then once those are taken care of, I’ll get started. Turnaround time is two weeks from the day that both invoice payment and questionnaire anserws and received.”
If this feels scary, you can even try just saying:
“Okay so once we got off the call, I’m going to sum up all the key points from our discussion in an email and send over the full list of deliverables for this project.”
Either way, my attitude is that they need something I can provide, so of course they are going to work with me.
Due to my service and personal workflow, there’s really no need to try and get payment over the call, so I don’t bother with that, but in many cases, securing payment then and there can be effective, and you’ll want to run with the next strategy.
Close Strategy #B: Hire/Sign/Pay Now
This strategy also starts with the same pre-close question.
“Have I given you all the information you need, or do you have any questions at all about me, my copywriting, or the process with which I deliver it?”
This pre-close question gives prospects a chance to raise objections before you ask them to buy, and they have the option to say “no”.
If they say they have everything they need, then you ask them if they are ready to hire you/sign/pay immediately.
It’s amazing how many sales are lost simply because the salesperson never asked the prospect to buy. The prospect is ready. They have their credit card in their hand. They are waiting to be shown where to swipe, and… the salesperson says nothing.
The prospect thinks, “Maybe that comes later?”
But later never comes.
Many people will hire you right there.
You have to ask them for the yes. That way, if they say “no”, you can follow up with “why not?”.
This is going to do a number of things:
- It gives you an opportunity to respond to objections.
- It highlights areas you might not have done a good job of covering in your sales pitch.
- It gives you an opportunity to transition into relationship building for potential referrals or a later sale.
If you do a great job on the call, but they still aren’t going to buy, the prospect will often be a bit apologetic and even looking to help you out, because you’ve just provided them with some great value, and they want to compensate you in some way.
This is a great moment to use that goodwill to build more rapport or get a referral from the prospect.
Either way, simply ending a non-sale on a positive note will create a lasting impression on the prospect that can come back around to benefit you down the road.
This guide was co-written by Daniel Vigil and Jacob McMillen.
Daniel Vigil is pretty much the best copywriter absolutely no one has ever heard of. Want to sell more of your sh*t? Find Dan at before more people hear of him, and his fees become rightfully insane.
How To Get Freelance Clients
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Super awesome and helpful post once again!
Thanks a lot as always Jacob!